A lightweight forum software in Flask
sh4nksprofile picture


Last seen 2 years ago

Unfortunately this isn't possible yet (and tbh I haven't spent much time thinking about it - but this should definitely go into the next version of FlaskBB)

thejonny wrote:

heading text


-a- /a/ a a

cool stuff

Yeah sure. I'd even include it in flaskbb - want to open a PR with this feature?

You mean sharing username/password with flaskbb?

And how would I have the forum installation at a different URL

It depends on the reverse proxy you are using. I have included a example for nginx in docs here: https://flaskbb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html#nginx

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name yourdomain.com;

    access_log /var/log/nginx/access.forums.flaskbb.log;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/error.forums.flaskbb.log;

    location /forums {
        try_files $uri @flaskbb;

    # Static files
    location /static {
       alias /var/apps/flaskbb/flaskbb/static/;

    location ~ ^/_themes/([^/]+)/(.*)$ {
        alias /var/apps/flaskbb/flaskbb/themes/$1/static/$2;

    # robots.txt
    location /robots.txt {
        alias /var/apps/flaskbb/flaskbb/static/robots.txt;

    location @flaskbb {
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
        proxy_set_header SCRIPT_NAME /forums;  # This line will make flaskbb work on /forums;
        proxy_redirect off;
        proxy_buffering off;



you are talking about something like a poll right? Where one user can create a question with some answers and the other users are able to choose one or more options.

Could you opening a new issue on github? This is something that I have wanted to have in flaskbb for a while already.

You have configured celery to use it's default (see: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/userguide/configuration.html#broker-settings) and by default it tries to connect to an amqp server. It is possible to send emails without celery but then you won't be able to send the mails asynchronously.

ps: the demo account is not a support account..

demo wrote:

yes, I use this very url and get "this account is already active" message.
I tried to register with name "azs"

I have activated your account. Unfortunately I can't reproduce your error :/

btw, you can request a new activation link with via this url: https://forums.flaskbb.org/auth/activate

I probably should include it somewhere in the navigation.

demo wrote:

Thanks, the mail actually was in spam folder and I missed it. But there's another problem:
I follow the activation link and get message "Your account activation token is expired"
Okay, I enter my credentials and press "Send Mail" button and get "This account is already activated".
But when I try to login it still requires an activation.

This is weird. What is your username? I can try to activate it manually.

and requesting a new activation token doesn't work right?

demo wrote:


14 😄

demo wrote:

Seems I've found a solution
just add the following string to flaskbb.cfg:

SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = "your_server_address"

maybe it helps someone

Thanks for posting a solution. Sorry for my late reply -- I haven't had much time last week(end).

Have you checked your spam folder? For some reason they land in there..

Mhh I don't know unfortunately. I have pushed a fix to github which (re)enables you to input the token via the form. Please let me know what caused the error so that I can implement a fix (or you, if you want ;))

Is flaskbb running with the same 'flaskbb.cfg' config as well?

The link looks ok to me.

I think you meant flaskbb and not flask (the command)?

podlomar wrote:

Ok, now I have redis + celery running. I run celery with the command

flask --config None celery worker -E

I have installed the forum from scratch. I have standard postfix service running. The activation e-mail from the first registered user arrived, though the activation link did not work (Server error: invalid token). After that activation e-mails stopped arriving at all. Maybe it is because I am using the same e-mail for testing. So I always register a user, if the e-mail does not come in 15 minutes or so, I delete the user and create a new one with the same e-mail. Nevertheless, the first e-mail to the adress arrived ok, but as I said, the link did not work.

what does the token look like? btw, you have to run celery with the same config as you run flaskbb so setting --config None isn't a good idea probably.

podlomar wrote:

I would like to know what is Celery used for? I am running FlaskBB without it and my activation e-mails are being sent, but when I open the link, it says the token is invalid.

Celery is used for sending non blocking emails. Could you try if this is happening when you have celery running?

Jimnotgym wrote:

Thanks sh4nks

I have had to drop the project for a few days. Will try again soon

and, did it work?

btw, someone contributed a somewhat unofficial installation guide for pythonanywhere - did you see those docs?

See this commit:

Uncomment the line
flaskbb.wsgi_app = ReverseProxyPathFix(flaskbb.wsgi_app)
and add force_https=True
flaskbb.wsgi_app = ReverseProxyPathFix(flaskbb.wsgi_app, force_https=True)

lmk if it works :)

demo wrote:

Jimnotgym wrote:

you mean you would like a way to install without using the command line?

yeah, i want to install flaskbb from a .zip file

Unfortunately this is not possible. Its possible to install it via some package managers if someones decides to create a .deb, .rpm, .pkg.tar.xz though (there are none afaik).