I silently transitioned to develop on Python 3 when I had to recreate my virtualenvs - so it doesn't really matter anymore. I'll update the docs to recommend min. Python 3.3.
You probably can solve it by using a middleware which will enforce https on all routes. I'll post the code when I am on my computer.
Oh ok. In that case, just ignore the warning. Could you try if sending mails is still possible? If not, could you open a new issue on github? :)
Try setting it in lowercase i.e. "https" and let me know if that works :)
Did you set REDIS_ENABLED to False? What did you exactly do that this error happens? Did you try to start celery? Or did you just try to start flaskbb?
I need more information to be able to help. How does the template code look like? How did you create the form? Did you use FlaskForm from Flask-WTF?
Apocyan wrote:
It, umm. Kind of irks me that the height of every post is the same regardless of content. Does this scale with a long post?
There is kind of a min height for a post because of the left user bar. However, you are free to adjust and modify the theme. I have even added a second template (which is not active) where the userbar will be horizontal. IIRC its called topic_horizontal.html
Apocyan wrote:
It, umm. Kind of irks me that the height of every post is the same regardless of content. Does this scale with a long post?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis sapien nibh. Nullam facilisis tempus luctus. Cras ornare sem erat, id interdum erat venenatis ut. Sed facilisis volutpat mollis. In porttitor tincidunt tortor vel convallis. In eu ipsum rhoncus, mattis sapien a, rhoncus augue. Sed et imperdiet elit, eu euismod ex. Integer rutrum justo a egestas tristique. Suspendisse imperdiet, tortor sed rhoncus semper, sem felis lacinia urna, feugiat mollis orci est sed arcu. Vivamus fringilla ultrices rhoncus. Aenean pulvinar, orci ut lacinia vehicula, nulla magna congue velit, in venenatis mauris nunc vitae quam. Vivamus a tempus nunc. Aliquam porta non justo non sagittis.
Vestibulum urna risus, ultricies nec ultrices a, rhoncus eget ex. Nulla lectus nisi, hendrerit sit amet egestas at, facilisis sit amet urna. Integer lacinia suscipit lacus, sed facilisis leo. Fusce vitae felis ac ligula fermentum scelerisque. Morbi a mi nunc. In ut risus metus. Aenean id blandit purus.
Donec vel nisi dapibus, dapibus dui eget, sagittis nisl. Duis blandit arcu felis, non vehicula augue blandit a. Nulla tristique nunc non lobortis interdum. Nunc molestie, ex eget condimentum dictum, diam sem blandit ante, eget egestas dui dolor ac arcu. Proin lobortis, dolor sed aliquam fermentum, enim magna luctus tortor, sed luctus dui odio id mauris. Etiam venenatis tellus turpis, eleifend consequat urna elementum eget. Aenean nec tellus vitae nulla porttitor vulputate. Nulla ac feugiat turpis.
Vivamus eu leo elit. Nam laoreet ultricies mi, eu imperdiet felis cursus non. Nullam justo nunc, tincidunt et dolor et, scelerisque pharetra augue. Sed nec ante sit amet est pretium mattis. Sed consequat leo diam, vel rhoncus libero vulputate ac. Etiam sit amet justo tincidunt, vulputate velit a, scelerisque elit. Donec urna sapien, sodales et elit eleifend, aliquam mollis orci. Aliquam dapibus risus tempus, ornare justo et, congue lorem. Quisque libero purus, interdum at odio eget, tincidunt aliquet lacus.
Duis id efficitur risus, id vehicula arcu. Fusce finibus tellus id justo scelerisque congue. Sed cursus neque at ex maximus, pharetra eleifend diam placerat. Phasellus interdum iaculis malesuada. Cras hendrerit ex id justo laoreet, sed ultrices ipsum volutpat. Nulla maximus auctor volutpat. Morbi imperdiet lacus ipsum, non vulputate lectus consequat ut. Ut sit amet luctus velit, eu placerat elit. Aenean consectetur orci nec nisl dapibus, ut facilisis nisi fringilla. Etiam vestibulum, orci nec cursus aliquet, mi quam condimentum nisi, eget ultricies nulla diam quis risus. Integer pulvinar dolor non varius iaculis. Nulla cursus ultricies elit et eleifend. Vivamus sagittis malesuada leo, vitae sodales dui. Donec dapibus cursus pulvinar. Phasellus tincidunt, lorem eget consectetur varius, tortor enim varius felis, nec ullamcorper velit diam quis lorem. Quisque sed ligula nec enim vestibulum bibendum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
demo wrote:
it is a great idea
could change anything and add function with upload pic and attachment?
I have not included any kind of upload function in FlaskBB but sure, it would be possible for a plugin to do that.
You could use Flask-Login which will handle the user sessions for you. You'd still have to implement the registration and the actual login process though.
Plom wrote:
Hello !
Sorry to be back about this thread,
Can you give me some way and tips for having this behavior ?
Thx !
It would probably take some major interventions as flaskbb was not designed to allow guests to post. have a look at the 'view_topic' function in forums/views.py
and the related template.
pujuma wrote:
Installed with no issue but app runs into error immediately.
Is the flaskbb.sqlite supposed to start as ZERO bytes ?
Nope it's not supposed to be 0 bytes. Did you forget to install flaskbb?
sheybey wrote:
Figured out the issue. Removing the port number from the server name in the flaskbb configuration was all I needed to do.
Sorry for my late repsonse. I probably wouldn't have catched that. I would have suggested adding the 'SCRIPT_NAME /flaskbb' to the header in apache.
Like this:
RequestHeader set X-SCRIPT-NAME /flaskbb
more info here: https://wsgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/definitions.html#envvar-SCRIPT_NAME
qwertz wrote:
I use Weechat as an IRC client on Unix. Quite ok.
I use KDE and recently discovered Konversation which I really like.
Go to 'Settings' -> 'Change User Details' and there you should find a input field called 'Avatar'
You can modify the allowed sizes (width/height/size in kb) in the admin panel.
For this, go to 'Management' -> 'Settings' -> 'Misc Settings' and scroll down to the avatar settings.
Plom wrote:
Ok !
Thx again.
Is this feature in the pipe for a next version ?
Maybe. There are other features that have a higher priority at the moment.
Plom wrote:
there is a way to let unregistred reader to post in one specific forum ?*
Thx !
Nope, thats not possible at the moment.
Plom wrote:
Ok, fixed by donwload with command,
i have try and succes to add a custom smiley,
for it i have put my smyley in /theme/aurora/static/emoji,
and add file name in the emoji.js, this is a good way ? or dirty hack ?
i guess dirty hack cause, when typing the ':' i dont see my smiley on list, but after posting he is display.
i m totaly beginer in python and flaskbb ! so sorry for stupids questions !
this is the right way to do it actually. try restarting the server - this might solve the problem (or refresh your browser cache).
This bug is already fixed.