A lightweight forum software in Flask
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Last seen 6 years ago

Also when i change the IP in the config file and run the program, it still runs on

Right. okay so one of my issues is that i set it as localhost on port 5000 and i was using a server that runs in CLI only. So i switched it up to an Ubuntu desktop and did the whole install again and was able to get to the website. on the local host.
Now having a computer right next to it with the same ip scheme, cannot reach it... Even if i my flaskbb.cfg file has the an ip address. Ill have to play with this some more.
Thanks @shing!

Im am new to the scene. I have been looking at this website for about a week and decided to give it a shot.
I have tried bot installation guides and im lost. I have searched the forums and dont seem to find what might help or maybe its just over my head.

I used Shings basic config file:
Path to save: (left blank)
Server name: localhost
Postgres/SQLAlchemy: (left blank)
Use redis?: n
Mail server: localhost
SMTP Port: 25
TLS for sending mail?: N
SSL for sending mail?: N
Mail username: (left blank)
Mail password: (left blank)
Mail sender name: (left blank)
Mail sender address: (left blank)
Mail admin email: (left blank)
Logging Config Path: (left blank)

and I also added the port to 5000 like how he did.

Now i get :

(.venv) root@ubuntu:/home/power/forum/flaskbb# flaskbb --config flaskbb.cfg run

  • Environment: production
    WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
    Use a production WSGI server instead.
  • Debug mode: off
  • Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

but now I am lost. What am I supposed to do now? I have tried accessing it from another computer on chrome but i get a refused connection...
I am running Ubuntu 4.15.0
Any help is greatly appreciated!