If you encounter a bug, please report them either here or on GitHub here which is what I actually prefer :).
PS: There is a demo user available as well.
The credentials are:
- username: demo
- password: demo
Cheers! 🍻
If you encounter a bug, please report them either here or on GitHub here which is what I actually prefer :).
PS: There is a demo user available as well.
The credentials are:
Cheers! 🍻
Mail transfer seems to be broken, either in flaskbb or on your server, cannot receive any mails
... and for some reason the datetime migrations didn't work correctly which is why the forums can be unread sometimes and various other stuff won't work as expected.
edit: Yeah I know, I have to investigate this issue tomorrow. I have deactivated account activation via email for now.
Cheers! 🍻
Another thing I found: If you sort the member list by any value, this sorting is only applied on the first page. If you navigate to the second page, sorting will not be applied, e.g. you can't find the 21st to 40th user sorted by number of posts as the sorting information is not accounted by the render_pagination macro.
I've done some changes to this macro and the memberlist.html template to fix this and will open a PR for this tomorrow I think.
But I have noticed, that there are three different pagination macros which are basically doing the same stuff only with different css properties they default to if non are provided. Is this by design? Cause it doesn't look very DRYish to my.
I'm not sure, if it is a feature or a bug, but the column with the number of posts gets lost in the mobile view of the member list.
Its not a bug :) I just couldn't come up with an idea how to put all the information on the mobile screen, so I just hide it on mobile screens that are smaller than 768px.
Cheers! 🍻
I have finally figured out a bug which prevent anyone to login 🙈
Cheers! 🍻
sh4nks wrote:
I have finally figured out a bug which prevent anyone to login 🙈
That's a pretty epic fail :P
Just tried adding my avatar url but it tells me PNGs aren't allowed then lists it in the allowed formats: